What Wild Animals Can You Legally Own In Massachusetts?

(MA) While living in the beautiful state of Massachusetts, it is likely that at some point in your life, you have come across wildlife that you wanted to bring back home with you. Maybe it was an orphaned baby squirrel, a bird with an injured wing, or a perfectly healthy animal that happened to eat right out of your hand. Regardless of the situation, the urge to bring home a new pet was there… but is that urge legal?

Is It Legal To Keep Wildlife As Pets In Massachusetts?

In the state of Massachusetts, there are incredibly strict laws surrounding pet ownership and the types of animals you can keep as a pet. When it comes to local wildlife, the state says only certain reptiles and amphibians are allowed to be kept as pets. So, sorry to all of those who wanted to have a squirrel or chipmunk as a pet! Though, read until the end if you are absolutely determined to one day own a squirrel.

Of the many amphibians and reptiles that call the Bay State home, only a handful can be kept as pets. The official Massachusetts government website states that it is legal to own up to two of each of the following animals:

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