Love Letters mailbag day

People send letters about letters about letters.

I wanted to do a mailbag post today.

Lots of people email me about letters, as opposed to commenting on the platform.

Maybe because they’re shy. In some cases it’s probably because they’ve read the print version of the Globe and want to add to a conversation that’s already happened.

But I’ll confess, I love these notes.

Today I’ll share some.

In the meantime, of course, send your own questions to [email protected] or use this anonymous form. The end of summer usually marks some need for change (at least for me). I’d love to hear what’s been on your mind about your relationship life – including the small problems, the big ones, even friendship complications.

This first note is about the very serious letter we had about a spouse’s mental health.

“I’m a (retired) pediatrician. I agree with everything you said, but notably absent was much mention of what effect their mother’s illness is having on the children. They’ve only been married 15 years, so these children are youngish teens at the oldest. This is a terribly disturbing for them, and we know this can have lifelong consequences. I’d urge the letter writer to take that into his planning.”

Story continues