Watch: Mass. pledges delegates to Kamala Harris as Dropkick Murphys blares

“I’m Shipping Up to Boston” rang out as the state pledged its delegates during the DNC’s musical roll call.

As the Dropkick Murphys’ “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” blared from the speakers at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Tuesday, Massachusetts casted all 116 of its votes for Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presidential nominee.

“The people of Massachusetts know something about making history,” Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party Stephen Kerrigan said over the music. “The first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, the first public school, the first public library — where we don’t ban books, health care for all, and the first shots fired in our revolution. And we are proud as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to make history once again.”

The celebratory roll call was spearheaded by DJ Cassidy, as all 50 states pledged their support to Harris to the tune of a “walk-up song” relevant to each individual state.

The vote, accompanied by the curated playlist, was ceremonial as Harris had already been officially nominated in a virtual roll call earlier this month.

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