Boy Died After Eating Ultra-Spicy Chip in ‘One Chip Challenge’: Internet Trend Turns Fatal

In a trajic incident in 2023, a young 14-year-old, Harris Wolobah from Massachusetts, met his untimely demise following his participation in the perilous “One Chip Challenge.”

What Is the ‘One Chip Challenge’?

This challenge involves consuming a single tortilla chip, a seemingly innocent snack, infused with spices derived from the Carolina Reaper and the Naga Viper, two of the most fiery peppers known to humanity.

The challenge, a creation of Amplify Snack Brands, a Hershey Company subsidiary, is presented in a coffin-shaped box, symbolizing its dangerous nature, and is embellished with a red skull and a series of warnings, especially for those with medical conditions or pregnant individuals.

The challenge is less of a culinary delight and more of an extreme sport, pushing the boundaries of human endurance to spice.

Harris’s Fatal Reaction to the Chip

Harris, a healthy teenager, experienced severe stomach pain shortly after consuming the chip and sought help from his school nurse. Tragically, within a few hours, he lost consciousness and ceased breathing, leading to his unfortunate demise despite the relentless efforts of paramedics and medical specialists.

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