Climate crisis is helping spread deadly mosquito viruses in the US
Multiple mosquito-borne illnesses are on the rise in the US, including triple E and West Nile.

  • Mosquito-borne illnesses are rising in the US, including triple E, West Nile, and Oropouche.
  • Climate change and international travel are spreading these diseases into new places.
  • Mosquito season is lasting longer due to rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns.

Mosquito season is in full swing, and the pesky insects are carrying diseases into unexpected places.

Certain communities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont are on high alert for a rare virus called eastern equine encephalitis, or triple E. Health officials have reported at least six cases, including one death, and are encouraging residents to stay inside from dusk until dawn, when mosquitoes are most active. Some towns are spraying pesticides to reduce the risks of exposure.

The outbreak is small but serious because about 30% of people who contract severe triple E die, and many survivors develop neurological problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . There’s no vaccine or cure.

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