It’s a New England Thing: Frappe vs Milkshake in Connecticut

Did you know that in certain parts of New England, milkshakes are called Frappes? Yes, it’s true! Here in Connecticut, there is a destinct difference between the two. But, in certain states such as Massachusetts, you would never order it as a milkshake, you would say frappe (pronouced FRAP not frap-ayyy) which is French for “to beat” when ordering in a restaurant, ice cream shop or coffee shop.

A milkshake in New England is made of milk that is shaken with a flavoring added, like chocolate syrup, until it’s frothy, basically what here in Connecticut we call that Chocolate Milk. In Boston, for instance, a frappe includes milk and your favorite ice cream. Crazy, right!?!

If you live in Connecticut though, when you want a Frappe, you want that high-end Starbuck’s kind. Which is usually a sweet, foamy coffee drink. If you are not looking to spend a lot of money, but would enjoy having one at home, here is a Frappe for beginners.

In an old-fashioned soda shop or 50’s inspired diner you can find both a milkshake and a frappe on the menu. Just to confuse things more, in Rhode Island ”milkshakes are sometimes called “cabinets” because that’s where the blender was kept,” according to America’s Test Kitchen.

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