Cool weather continues before New England’s next rain maker

After dry, albeit mainly cloudy skies for New England under high pressure, the region’s next system will be moving in after midweek amid a relatively interesting setup. This will come as what will soon be Hurricane Helene bears down on the southeast. While this storm won’t directly affect New England, the weather is one big machine and everything is connected in some way.

For today and Wednesday, a trough will remain to New England’s west as high pressure holds its ground over New England. This system will likely cut off from the main flow and drift toward the Mississippi River Valley on Wednesday. This will help keep most of New England dry for the day, although some fringe showers may drift well inland across western areas during the day.

Heading into Wednesday night and Thursday, the surface low pressure (shown above over Michigan) will move northeast and run to the north of New England. This will come as a northern stream trough dives southeastward from Canada due to strong ridging near Greenland. All of this is to say that a plume of rainfall will move through New England Wednesday night into Thursday. These showers will move generally from west to east during this time.

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