Gluten Intolerance Triggered Psychosis in PhD Student, Resulting in Prison After Murder Attempt

In a shocking case that highlights the far-reaching effects of celiac disease, a woman in her late 30s from Massachusetts attempted to murder her parents after suffering a severe psychotic break—triggered by an intolerance to gluten. This case was published as a medical case report in 2016.

While celiac disease is primarily known for its digestive symptoms, in this rare instance, the condition profoundly impacted her mental health, leading to dangerous delusions and hallucinations.

Photo byDelichatsios et al. (2016), New England Journal of Medicine.

A Promising PhD Student Struck by Psychosis

The 37-year-old woman was pursuing her PhD when her life took a sudden and terrifying turn. Once an independent and successful student, she began to experience disturbing symptoms that left her family and doctors baffled.

Dr. Maureen Leonard from Massachusetts General Hospital recalled the patient’s paranoia, saying, “Her first symptom was a belief that ‘people were talking about her’ as part of a larger conspiracy involving her family, friends, and even strangers.”

Story continues