PAID POST: It’s time to go big on offshore wind

The present and future of offshore wind is happening right here in New England, and Connecticut is poised to play a key role.

New England has already been leading the way on offshore wind policy and infrastructure. With construction of the nation’s first commercial scale offshore wind farm, Vineyard Wind 1, underway and the announcement of a historic multi-state procurement for offshore wind from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, a new era of offshore wind power begins for our region and the nation.

As a local, homegrown company, Vineyard Offshore knows that the future of offshore wind is bright. Our team is grateful for the opportunity to help the region achieve its ambitious climate goals, working with visionary leaders who share a top-to-bottom, regional commitment to going big on offshore wind as an essential part of our clean energy future.
Credit: Courtesy of Vineyard Offshore

We know that a true regional commitment means that local communities must see and feel the benefits of this new industry, and that’s why Vineyard Offshore takes a community-first approach. As a trusted local partner with the support of more than 200 partners across the region — from Tribal leaders, local public officials, union leaders, and environmental organizations — we understand the importance of working together to lead a clean energy transformation that meets our region’s climate goals and provides economic impact for everyone.

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