Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based rescue organization in Massachusetts, recently introduced a delightful dog who is seeking her forever home. Wendy, a 10-week-old shepherd mix puppy, is described as a spunky and sociable companion who gets along wonderfully with everyone she meets, including other dogs, cats, and children.
While currently small and fluffy, this charming pup is anticipated to grow into a larger-sized adult dog. Sandy Paws Rescue emphasizes that Wendy’s friendly and adaptable nature makes her an ideal candidate for various family situations, though they note that, like all puppies, she will require dedicated time and patience for proper training and socialization.
Potential adopters will be happy to learn that Wendy will be arriving in Massachusetts soon, with her availability for adoption beginning December 19th, just in time to spend the holidays with her new family!
Sandy Paws Rescue is a nonprofit rescue in Massachusetts that works to save dogs like Wendy and give them a second chance by finding them their forever home. Sandy Paws Rescue explains that they “rescue dogs from various shelters, cruelty situations, owner surrenders in Massachusetts, and strays from Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.” They don’t have a shelter location therefore all of their dogs wait to find their forever homes while fostered in private foster homes or kennels.