Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based rescue organization in Massachusetts, has recently introduced a sweet one-year-old dog who is searching for her forever family. According to the nonprofit dog rescue, this energetic pup named Cindy still embodies the playful spirit of puppyhood, making her an absolute delight to be around.
The rescue organization describes Cindy as a social butterfly who thrives on canine companionship and loves nothing more than a good play session in the yard. Sandy Paws Rescue notes that she’s remarkably fast and athletic, with impressive jumping abilities that necessitate a home with proper fencing. They’ve observed her particular fondness for playing in water and she loves entertaining herself by tossing around toys when her playmates are otherwise occupied.
Sandy Paws Rescue explains that Cindy’s foster family affectionately calls her a “Velcro dog,” and that she forms strong bonds with her human companions and stays close by their side throughout the day. Sandy Paws Rescue has also noted her progress in training, sharing that she’s largely mastered potty training, excels in crate training, and travels well in cars. They emphasized that Cindy’s intelligence and eagerness to please make her highly trainable, though she’s still working on perfecting her leash manners.