Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based rescue organization in Massachusetts, has recently introduced an adorable eight-month-old dog named Tuck who is searching for his forever home just in time for the holidays. “This sweet boy has had a rough start but is now thriving and ready to find his forever home,” explains the nonprofit dog rescue.
According to Sandy Paws Rescue, Tuck’s journey to them began when he and another dog named Nala appeared on a veterinary client’s property seeking refuge. After discovering Tuck needed urgent medical attention, he was surrendered to ensure he received proper care. The resilient pup underwent surgery for a rectal prolapse and has since made a remarkable recovery in his foster home.
Now weighing between 30 and 35 pounds, Tuck has proven himself to be not just a survivor, but a lovable companion. Tuck excels in many areas: he’s great with older children, walks beautifully on a leash, and shows endless affection for people. His food motivation makes him especially trainable.