Sandy Paws Rescue, a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced a sweet puppy named Grace Jones who is searching for her forever family just in time for the holidays. The rescue describes Grace Jones as a playful three-month-old puppy, currently weighing 12 pounds, with an expected medium adult size. Sandy Paws Rescue highlights her love for stuffed animals and her enthusiasm for playing catch. They note that she is making progress with potty training and adapts well to crate training.
According to Sandy Paws Rescue, Grace Jones is one of six female puppies born to their mother Twiggy, a 38-pound dog. The rescue organization reports that Grace and her family, including sisters Cindy Crawford, Farrah Faucet, Noemi Campbell, Christie Brinkley, and Claudia Schiffer, were found abandoned on the streets of Houston during a rainy day. Thanks to a compassionate individual who spotted them and shared their story on social media, the family was eventually rescued and taken in by Sandy Paws Rescue.