Strong cold snap follows weak storm for New England

As New England’s weak storm system continues to move away, it will create a northwest flow in its wake. This flow will begin to pump colder air into the region, though the drop will not be sharp. Thursday will be a mainly seasonable day across New England without too much of a rise in temperatures from morning lows. From this afternoon, colder temperatures will continue to push into New England before peaking (or bottoming out) on Sunday as Arctic air arrives.

While this cold continues to filter into New England, two weather features around on Friday and Saturday continue to be watched. These features are an Alberta Clipper that will be weakening and diving south of New England while a coastal storm develops offshore. The big question all week has been how much these two features interact (or phase).

More interaction occurring earlier would result in more precipitation for New England while lesser interaction occurring later would result in a glancing blow or a complete miss from the coastal storm. All week, guidance has been keen on the latter situation, which precludes New England from getting a decent thump of snow. This still appears to be the case, however, a glancing blow is becoming more likely rather than a miss altogether.

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