Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a Massachusetts-based foster dog rescue organization, has stepped forward to save the life of a severely injured young dog named Mango. Found in a critical condition near a road in Mexico, Mango’s story showcases the incredible strength of animals and the unwavering commitment of rescue organizations.
When Mango was discovered, his condition was dire. Having been hit by a car, he suffered multiple severe injuries including a fractured back leg, a dislocated rib, two mangled toes, broken teeth, and painful abrasions covering his body. In addition was the discovery of pebbles in his stomach, showing just how desperately he struggled to survive. Despite these overwhelming challenges, Mango’s spirit remained unbroken.
The timing of Sandy Paws Rescue’s intervention was just in time. “If we didn’t step in when we did, we have no doubt that he wouldn’t have lived to see 2025,” explains the nonprofit rescue. After receiving word about his condition from a local shelter in Mexico, the rescue organization quickly mobilized to bring him under their care, where he could receive proper medical evaluation and treatment. Now safe, Mango has begun his journey to recovery. While his healing timeline remains uncertain, the dedication of Sandy Paws Rescue ensures that he will receive good care until he is ready to find his forever home.