Michigan Judge Kathleen Ryan AKA Courthouse Karen Suspended; Called Black People Lazy And Making Homophobic Remarks


Source: Richard Cummins / Getty

A nother day, another racist public servant ‘s job is in jeopardy after audio recordings captured them being an outright and unmistakable bigot .

According to the Associated Press , Oakland County, Michigan Probate Judge Kathleen Ryan, recently lost her docket–meaning she cannot hear cases–while she is being investigated for her racist and homophobic remarks, which were brought to light by the court’s administrator, Edward Hutton. Hutton reportedly has her on tape using homophobic slurs and cursing her way through saying Black people are lazy (see below for the actual and more language she used).

Ryan, who was first elected to the bench in 2010, is reportedly recorded also saying she’s actually okay with being called a racist. The only issue for her is how you qualify her racism. Confusing, I know. Here are her own words:

“I’m not systemically racist. I’m a new racist.”


It’s unclear how Ryan–whose father, James, was a state and federal judge and whose brother, Daniel, was also a judge–has gotten it in her head that she isn’t included in systemic racism when she’s literally a racist who is employed by the system , but we appreciate a sort-of self-aware white supremacist.

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