Michigan minimum wage increase set for next year, metro Detroit workers weigh in

Minimum wage is set to rise soon in Michigan.

Right now, Michigan’s minimum wage rate is $10.33 but if all goes to plan, it will increase to $12.48 next year.

I visited with a local business owner and talked with more workers who’ve relied on several jobs to support themselves amid inflation to find out just how much of a difference this can make.


“I think it could be helpful, definitely, as long as we don’t get any more inflation behind it,” said Howard Hughes, who supports the minimum wage increase.

Across metro Detroit, workers who’ve had to survive on minimum wage tell me the rate of pay is simply far short of what’s needed to make ends meet.

“Even minimum wage with everything going up, minimum wage isn’t even enough, ” said Spud Williams, who supports the increase.


The exact figures for the increase will be finalized on Nov. 1, a recent state Supreme Court ruling says. The new rate takes effect Feb. 21 and will rise each year at the same time to $13.29, $14.16 and 14.97 in 2028.

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