Michigan county clerks outline election integrity efforts

Michigan county clerks prepare for 2024 election 02:44

(CBS DETROIT) — The presidential election is in a matter of weeks, and Michigan county clerks, who are responsible for counting votes , say they’re using various methods to ensure reliable and accurate votes.

“I’m a hot dog vendor, and when I get through doing my hot dogs, maybe 1 o’clock or 2 o’clock, whenever I leave down here, there’s no line,” Clinton Tarver said on why he votes early. “Just go to the school where we vote at and fill out your ballot and turn it right in right there. It’s just great to me and my wife; we love it.”

Like many voters, Tarver feels it’s important to vote but is concerned about the accuracy of the results. County clerks hear this worry often, but Republican Kent County Clerk Lisa Posthumus Lyons says there are multiple, reliable ways to ensure accurate results.

“Our elections have many checks and balances in place both before, during, and after votes are cast, and this is so that they can be confident that their ballots are protected, that the process is secure, and that the elections’ results are accurate,” Posthumus Lyons said.

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