Michigan independent redistricting commission members on opposite sides of Ohio Issue 1

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Two members from Michigan’s independent citizens redistricting commission stand on opposite sides of the campaign for the Issue 1 ballot initiative that would establish a similar commission in Ohio by removing politicians from the process of drawing districts.

The commission created by the state up north has come up a number of times since Ohio’s Issue 1 redistricting reform began its march toward the November general election ballot. Michigan’s commission is made up of 13 citizens, as opposed to the Ohio proposal that would bring a panel of 15 Ohioans to the table to draw Statehouse and congressional district maps.

Most of the time when the Michigan commission has been brought up in Ohio, it’s been by opponents to Issue 1, including Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman and Auditor Keith Faber , both of whom were on the Ohio Redistricting Commission, the state’s current source for district maps.

Other members of the current redistricting commission include the governor, the secretary of state, two Republican lawmakers, and two Democratic lawmakers.

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