Each year, Michiganders purchase millions of live Christmas trees. When the holidays are over, though, many people wonder if there are beneficial uses for their trees rather than sending them to a landfill. The answer is yes — there are many ways that your old Christmas trees can keep on giving as habitat, but it’s important to think carefully about the best way to do so.
Christmas trees for fish?
People often ask the Michigan Department of Natural Resources whether their Christmas trees would make good habitat for fish. This is a great question, as many of Michigan’s lakes once had woody habitat, such as a fallen tree, every 5 to 50 feet! This woody habitat is important for fish, turtles, frogs, herons and other animals, because it provides refuge from predators and opportunities to bask in the sun, reduces wave energy that erodes shorelines and encourages growth of aquatic plants. Harder-wood trees with an open branch structure provide high-quality habitat.
However, Christmas trees are classified as softwoods, and are typically species such as balsam fir, Douglas fir, Fraser fir, noble fir, Scotch pine, Virginia pine and white pine. These softwoods break down relatively quickly in aquatic environments. The dense branches on Christmas trees that are perfect for holding ornaments are often too dense for many fish to use as habitat.