These Mississippi girls like Fords and Ford likes them back. See Chapel Hart’s Ford video

Chapel Hart announced in November the group was taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Nashville, but they haven’t taken a break from work.

The trio, featuring sisters Danica Hart and Devynn Hart and cousin Trea Swindle, continues to perform across the country as well as compete in the new “America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League” TV show.

One more gig has the Poplarville trio gushing: a testimonial-style commercial for the Ford F-150 pickup truck.

“When we got the call that we were going to be partnering with Ford, to say that we screamed so loud was an understatement,” Danica Hart said in the video.

Danica tells a fun story about how she came to write a song called “This Girl Likes Fords,” featured on the group’s “Glory Days” album, released in 2023 .

Although the song is featured in a promotion for the F-150, Danica Hart said her Ford of choice is an F-250 truck. Swindle said a Bronco works for her. Devynn’s favorite? She’s keeping that under her hat for now.

Ford is offering a VIP flyaway experience with Chapel Hart for those who register on the Ford Music website, . The company is giving away two packages that include two tickets each to a Chapel Hart concert and a meet-and-greet at a select concert and more.

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