On this day in 1879

Feb. 14, 1879

A portrait of former U.S. Sen. Blanche Kelso Bruce hangs in the Senate Gallery. The portrait by Simmie Lee Knox is based on a Matthew Brady photograph. Credit: Courtesy of U.S. Senate

Blanche Kelso Bruce became the first Black American to preside over the U.S. Senate. He was also the first Black American to serve a full term in the Senate and later the first Black American to win any votes at a major party’s nominating convention.

After escaping from slavery during the Civil War, he attempted to enlist in the Union Army. When he was turned down, he began teaching, eventually organizing Missouri’s first school for Black children in Hannibal.

After making his way down the Mississippi River, he decided to enter politics, rising through the ranks of Republican leaders, elected sheriff of Bolivar County, then the county superintendent of education. He turned the Bolivar County school system into one of the best in the state, becoming a well-known figure across the state.

In 1874, the Mississippi Legislature chose Bruce to fill a vacant seat in the U.S. Senate.

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