Missouri Gov. Mike Parson touted his accomplishments in his recent State of the State address . Huh? Of what is he so proud? Well, for one, it’s been six years since he took over after Eric Greitens resigned. OK, that is a good thing. That guy Greitens is bad news wherever he goes.
However, the rest is not so great.
For example, Parson suggested that he prevented 8,000 abortions in the state. Ha! Joke’s on him, as most of those desperate women, if they could afford it, went to neighboring states of Kansas and Illinois to get the health care they needed. Because abortion is health care.
Those desperate women who couldn’t afford travel to other more progressive states are forced to give birth, even if they were raped. ( Missouri’s draconian new abortion ban does not include exemptions for incest or rape . Some girls are raped by family members.) What kind of future do those moms and babies have?
Of those unfortunate and unwilling mothers-to-be, how much did our governor offer them? State-paid prenatal care? Nope. Monthly support payments for both mother and unwanted or unplanned child? Paid hospital fees for the uninsured? Negative. It seems Parson couldn’t care less about them — but is concerned only about their fetus, which nowadays has more rights than the mother. Yes, folks, the fetus, an undeveloped mass of cells, has more rights than a living human.