Free high school completion program offered to Missouri adults

Thousands of Missourians have never finished high school, but one company is looking to reduce those numbers.

Graduation Alliance, an adult education provider based in Utah, has come out with a free, online high school completion program for working adults in Missouri.

The company says thanks to Senate Bill 718, which passed during the Missouri General Assembly’s 2022 legislative session, they can offer what it calls the Missouri Adult Workforce Diploma Program for free.

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“If you dropped out of high school and have always wanted to graduate, this is your opportunity,” said Graduation Alliance CEO Ron Klausner. “You don’t have to pay for anything or go anywhere for classes. It’s free and can be completed anytime and anywhere.”

Graduation Alliance says those who enroll will partner with a personal academic coach who builds their course schedule and checks in with them regularly to make sure they are on track to graduate. Teachers and 24/7 virtual tutors are also available in the program.

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