Missourians to vote on abortion enshrinement in November

Aug. 13 (UPI) — Come November, Missouri voters will decide whether to enshrine the right to abortion in the state’s Constitution, the Missouri secretary of state said Tuesday.

Missouri Secretary of State John Ashcroft announced in a statement the certification of a petition filed with his office that had met the signature requirements to put the Right to Reproduction Freedom initiative on the Nov. 5 general election ballot.

According to language for the ballot presented by Ashcroft’s office, voters will be asked if they want to amend the Missouri Constitution to remove the state’s abortion ban, establish a right to make decisions about reproductive healthcare, allow regulation of reproductive healthcare to improve the health of the patient and bar government discrimination against physicians providing reproductive healthcare or those seeking such care.

“This a major step forward for our campaign and for Missourians who want to end our state’s cruel abortion ban,” Rachel Sweet, campaign manager for Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, said in a statement in celebration that her coalition’s initiative was accepted.

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