20 Birds That Spend Their Winters in Missouri

What’s better than a cold winter morning spent birdwatching from your window with a steaming cup of coffee? While many species flock to the south for the winter, Missouri has dozens of winged residents that stay within the state’s boundaries year-round, toughing out the cold months by living on seeds, grains, and wild berries. Check out this list of the 20 birds that spend their winters in Missouri and learn about their locations and cold-weather diets.

1. American Robin

The American robin is a full-time resident in Missouri. While some populations move south for the winter, others move to lower elevations and stay on the move in search of a fruit source. About 60% of the robin’s diet comes from fruit, mainly wild berries and cultivated fruits.

2. Mourning Dove


Mourning doves are less selective in the winter.

The mourning dove is one of the most popular game birds found throughout the state year-round. These birds very rarely eat insects. Instead, 99% of their diet is from seeds of cultivated grains, like grass and ragweed.

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