DESE under investigation as childcare facilities continue to struggle

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Many childcare facilities across Missouri rely on faith to do their jobs because they say the state isn’t doing theirs.

“Only through the grace of God have we been able to maintain and keep our doors open,” Linda Franklin Lynn the Administration Assistant at The Downtown Childhood Development Center said.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are sitting in Missouri’s bank account as daycares weigh if they can stay open or not.

Woman charged after 1-year-old boy killed in Atchison, Kansas crash

FOX4 first told you about this at the beginning of the month. Now, the Missouri House is opening an investigation into the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

“The light company wants all they money or your lights will be turned off. These kids need care but the childcare providers need the funds to do that” Franklin Lynn said.

“The fact that we’re even having this conversation is mindboggling, but I think what we need to do is apply more pressure to those in charge,” Crystal Quade, the Democrat Minority Leader in the Missouri House of Representatives, said.

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