School shooting survivor begs Nebraska lawmakers not to arm teachers

A bill in Nebraska allowing teachers and other school staff to carry firearms in a bid to deter school shootings has drawn opposition from shooting survivors .

The Legislative Bill, 1339, introduced by state senator Tom Brewer , authorises school governing bodies and other education institutions to adopt policies allowing qualified personnel to carry firearms on school property and during school events.

Introduced by Mr Brewer on 17 January, along with 28 other senators, it also removes criminal sanctions for off-duty and retired law enforcement officers carrying weapons on school grounds and encourages schools to provide mapping data to public safety agencies during emergency response.

“I don’t want children to die,” Mr Brewer, a long-time gun rights advocate, said during the introduction of the bill.

However, opponents of the bill, including parents and educators, argue that it poses a significant danger to students and school staff, with some arguing that arming staff could act as an incentive for those shooters who are suicidal.

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