Under Pressure From Angry Students, GOP Gov Reverses on Federal Summer Meals Funding


As the deadline rapidly approached for state governments to accept federal funds for summer food assistance for children, Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen announced Monday that conversations with students from around the state had convinced him to take the funding—leaving just 14 Republican-led states still refusing the aid.

At a news conference, the GOP governor—who previously said he didn’t “believe in welfare” and would be forgoing $18 million for the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (Summer EBT) program— said he had changed his mind after “an evolution of information” about how young people across Nebraska would be affected by his decision.

Pillen said he spoke to students at a youth legislative day at the state Capitol earlier this month and during a visit to a school in Boys Town, Nebraska.

“They talked about being hungry, and they talked about the summer USDA program and, depending upon access, when they’d get a sack of food,” Pillen said Monday. “And from my seat, what I saw there, we have to do better in Nebraska.”

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