Independent Osborn seeks to be surprise of cycle in Nebraska Senate race

An independent candidate is threatening to scramble the race for Nebraska’s Senate seat in what could be one of the more surprising contests this fall.

Dan Osborn is running a long-shot independent bid to oust Sen. Deb Fischer (R) in the reliably red state. Democrats are sitting out the race, and Republicans have sought to paint Osborn as a Democrat in independent’s clothing , though he has distanced himself from both parties .

Polling has been sparse, and observers caution against assuming this year’s race will buck historic trends in the state, which has sent GOP candidates to both its Senate seats since 2012.

But a recent poll from SurveyUSA/Split Ticket showed Fischer running neck and neck with Osborn, raising eyebrows among political observers and leading some to wonder just how competitive the race might turn out to be.

“At some point, those of us who observe Nebraska politics are going to have to take seriously that this actually is a tight race,” said Kevin Smith, a political science professor at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. “I’m coming around to the view that maybe the race is on for that Senate seat, which is a little shocking, given that, in statewide races, Republicans have dominated for years and years.”

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