The story I have is not about me, it’s about my sweet heart Holly Yost, age 49, she is the Care Giver for her youngest son Bryce, or Brycer as we call him. He is a 9 year old boy who has Down’s syndrome and Autism. He is a joy. His language is limited however he is very smart. He knows what he is trying to say but we just don’t always know or understand what that is…… Holly cares for him 24/7. He is still wares a diaper and I witness her change him several times a day. He also has a skin condition so he cannot sit in a soiled diaper due to bad rash of he does. Holly sets her alarm and gets up 2 times throughout the night to check his diaper and change him if needed. Brycer takes 24/7 care and Holly can only work part time. We both feed him, that is when I am home, and she cloths and baths him daily. Although he is a hand full, he is a true joy in both our lives. There is so much more to this story like she also has a son Grant age 12 who is normal and a good big brother. We ar hoping to buy a house across the street from her parents who are now 75, so we can be closer and help them out more often, Holly amazes me. Thank you for your time.