Nebraska Game and Parks asks boat owners to check for zebra mussels

LINCOLN, Neb. (KCAU) — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is encouraging boat owners to check their watercrafts for the invasive zebra mussel.

According to Game and Parks, zebra mussels are a highly invasive species that can greatly damage the ecosystem and infrastructure of a body of water when introduced. Boat owners pulling out their boats and equipment from the water for the winter will need to keep their eyes open.

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“Many boaters already are on the lookout for zebra mussels, but it’s important that every Nebraskan check their equipment for attached mussels so we’re informed about new infestations and can respond quickly,” Jena Paugels, a biologist with Game and Parks, said in a statement. “This is our last weapon against zebra mussels before winter begins and their reproductive season ends.”

Zebra mussels are tiny D-shaped clams with light and dark bands on their shells, per a release. They tend to be found on solid surfaces such as wood and metal.

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