And now Nevada will pretend the general election campaign didn’t already start

People are going to be so bummed when they find out it’s these guys again. (Trump photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images; Biden-Harris photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images))

Policy, politics and progressive commentary

And now all eyes turn to Nevada…

Ha ha, just kidding.

Yes, Nevada is technically the next state on the Republican nominating calendar. But the nation’s eyes are not on it. Probably because looking at what Republicans are up to in Nevada would just give the nation a headache.

As if it needs another one of those.

Make no mistake, since Nevada is one of only a handful of battleground states , the nation’s eyes will be on the state later this year, when normal humans eventually start paying attention to the presidential race. (Poor dears. They’re gonna be so bummed when they find out it’s Biden and Trump again).

And the campaigns of Joe Biden and Donald Trump (but alas not Nikki Haley) have already gone into general election mode.

But in Nevada this weekend, both campaigns are sort of pretending they haven’t.

Story continues