Navigating Nevada’s Unique Driving Laws: What You Need to Know

As of January 2024, Nevada has introduced several significant changes to its driving laws, impacting both residents and visitors alike. These changes, reflecting the state’s ongoing efforts to improve road safety and adapt to evolving societal needs, are essential for all drivers in the Silver State to understand.

One of the most notable changes is the decriminalization of minor traffic citations. Effective from January 2023, Assembly Bill 116 has transformed certain traffic misdemeanors, such as basic violations, into civil infractions. This means that while offenders are still liable for fines, these violations no longer carry a criminal record. However, more serious offenses like DUIs remain criminal violations​​.

For teen drivers, there are specific restrictions to be aware of. Drivers under 18 are not allowed to transport any non-family passenger under 18 during the first six months of licensing. Additionally, a curfew prohibits them from driving between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., except for work or school events, until they turn 18​​.

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