DNC targeting minority voters in South Carolina, Nevada ad blitz

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is targeting voters of color, rural voters and the younger generation in early primary states South Carolina and Nevada in a new ad blitz.

The six-figure ad campaign aims to galvanize the potential electorate before the states’ upcoming primaries, set to take place Feb. 3 in South Carolina and Feb. 6 in Nevada.

“Democrats are launching a historic effort to reach voters where they are and in the languages they speak to ensure we are building a broad coalition of support as we head into election year,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said in a statement on Friday. “By bringing South Carolina and Nevada to the forefront of our primary calendar, Democrats are uplifting new, diverse voices that for too long have been sidelined and silenced.”

The blitz will include digital, print, radio and out-of-home advertising. The ads will be presented in multiple languages, including Spanish, Tagalog and Chinese, according to the DNC. The majority of them are slated to start running on Saturday.

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