Wildlife Rehabilitators: Hummingbirds to Owls

Somebody has to do it

When a person gets hurt or is sick, we usually know what to do – take them to the Emergency Room at our local hospital. If a child is orphaned, we the public, immediately would find rescue for the infant.

Unfortunately, when it comes to wildlife being found, either injured or without a parent, the public is often unaware of what should and can be done to ensure aid for these helpless critters.

The average veternarian is not allowed by law to see wildlife without being registered with US Fish & Game or they could lose their license. You will probably jump around from number to number until you land on the right person to assist your search for help – an animal rehabilitator!

Nevada has wildlife rehabilitators specializing in different species, i.e., Mustangs, Reptiles, and Birds, just to name a few. We fall into the latter category. My wife, Suzette, is a wild bird rehabilitator and has dedicated more than 30 years of her life to a profession without much sleep, days off, vacations, and very little pay if at all.

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