Democratic Senator Relies on Out-of-State Donors for 90% of Campaign Funding

In Nevada, Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen is getting a lot of her campaign funds from wealthy folks who don’t live in the state, according to some documents that came out. She’s up for reelection in 2024, and it looks like she’s counting on big money from out-of-state donors to keep her campaign going strong.

It turns out that only about 9% of the money she raised towards the end of last year came from people in Nevada. The rest? Well, a whopping 45% of the $3.2 million she pulled in came from donors in places like Washington, D.C., California, and New York. It seems like Senator Rosen is casting a wide net for support, but some folks are raising eyebrows, especially considering her spending habits at fancy resorts.

The latest release of campaign finance information could spell trouble for Rosen and give Republicans more ammo to argue she’s not representing her people. Over the years, Mitch McConnell’s crew has been throwing cash at ads to paint Rosen as out of sync with the folks back home, especially for her votes against tax cuts. Now, retired Army Capt. Sam Brown, a Republican, is gunning for her seat with the full backing of Senate Republican bigwigs.

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