Nevada prosecutors point to Republican leaders’ phone calls in fake elector case

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Nevada prosecutors have filed phone records from the state Republican Party chairman and the Clark County party chair as part of the “fake elector” case involving the two men and four others, documents said.

In 2020, the six so-called fake electors submitted phony electoral certificates to re-elect then-President Donald Trump. Last month, lawyers for the group asked a judge to throw out the case and move it out of Las Vegas.

In December, a Clark County grand jury indicted the group on charges of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument, stemming from the submission of the documents in 2020. Both charges are felonies. Prosecutors charged Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald, Clark County Republican Party Chairman Jesse Law, Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward “James” Hindle III, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice.

In documents the attorney general’s office filed Thursday, the day of the party’s caucus, prosecutors said they had obtained call records from McDonald and Law, which they said showed the men making phone calls to each other in the days leading up to the certificates’ submission. The contents of the calls were confidential with prosecutors citing privacy.

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