Minden students help North Carolina school after fire, raise money for children’s hospital

Good morning, and welcome to the Indy Education newsletter. I’m Rocio Hernandez, The Nevada Independent’s K-12 education reporter.

News briefs

Nevada teachers union critical of public funding for stadiums — Days ahead of the first Super Bowl to be held in Las Vegas, National Education Association of Southern Nevada President Vicki Kreidel shared her thoughts on using public funding to construct stadiums in an interview with MSNBC . Her union is fighting against the use of $380 million in taxpayer funds to help construct a new baseball stadium to bring the Oakland A’s to Las Vegas, and recently filed a lawsuit to block the public financing. The union has said its goal is to ensure state funding goes to essential services such as schools, “not to a California billionaire.”

“When we’re told there’s no more money, when the teachers on the front line are sacrificing to try to hold the schools together with basically tape and a stapler so that we can teach, it’s infuriating,” she said in the interview.

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