Medical expert weighs in on pediatrician shortage in Nevada

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Have you ever wondered why it can take a long time to get in to see your child’s doctor? Nevada consistently ranks among the lowest in the nation for the number of pediatricians per child ratio.

Dr. Lyanna Lafredo is one of only 267 pediatricians in the state which is home to about 640,000 children that ratio is one of the lowest throughout the country.

Nevada ranked 49th in the nation for pediatric ratio in 2023, according to the American Board of Pediatrics. The ideal ratio is 50 pediatricians per 100,000 children.
Nevada ranked 49th in the nation for pediatric ratio in 2023, according to the American Board of Pediatrics. The ideal ratio is 50 pediatricians per 100,000 children. (KLAS)

“For every pediatrician, there are 2,600 kids so that means there is a disparity in terms of access to health, and probably a lot of parents would notice this,” Dr. Lafredo explained.

For some patients, it can take weeks to see a pediatrician, while meeting up with a pediatric specialist can take months. Organizations such as UNLV Health are helping by bringing care to students.

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