Schools are getting worse

The American education system yet again proves to be riddled with problems as hundreds of schools drastically underperform across the country.

A concerning report about education in Illinois has come out: An increasing number of students are awful in basic subjects. In 2019, 21 schools had 0 students proficient in reading, and 37 schools had 0 students proficient in math . In 2023, 32 schools had 0 students proficient in reading, and 67 schools had 0 students proficient in math.

Unfortunately, Illinois is not alone in its academic failure. Twenty-four charter schools in Nevada dramatically underperformed last year, as well as 40% of schools in Baltimore that reported having 0 students proficient in math. These are only three examples of a nationwide educational epidemic in which American children, statistically, are getting dumber.

There are several factors that play into this, some being more prevalent than others. The first and most evident cause is the COVID-19 pandemic . The entire world was thrown into mass hysteria, which compelled most of humanity to lock down in their homes in isolation from school and human contact for a few months to even years in some places.

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