AG Ford, Speaker Yeager are top Nevada recipients of trips paid for by outside groups

Brazil, India, South Korea — those were just a few of the faraway destinations prominent Nevada leaders visited in 2023 during trips paid for by third-party groups.

Among nearly 70 lawmakers and statewide elected officials, no one was more well-traveled than Assembly Speaker Steve Yeager (D-Las Vegas), who recorded trips to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Bayeux, France; Oslo, Norway; Dublin, Ireland; and Mexico City, Mexico, as well as a half dozen other trips and events within the United States — altogether valued at nearly $39,000.

Just one person had a larger amount paid for across such travels: Attorney General Aaron Ford, a Democrat whose reported trips to South Africa, Poland, Israel and South Korea came at a value of $45,000 paid for by the Attorney General Alliance, a nonprofit group of state attorneys general who work together to tackle legal and policy issues.

Those findings come via an analysis of financial disclosure reports conducted by The Nevada Independent . The analysis, covering activity in 2023, surveyed the value of trips, meetings and events sponsored by outside groups and reported by the state’s six constitutional officers and 60 lawmakers (three legislators have not filed a disclosure, including two who resigned last year).

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