How Burning Man Has Inspired Silicon Valley Innovations Over the Years

Burning Man, the annual festival held in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, has long been a meeting ground for revelers attracted to the event’s principles of self-reliance and community support. Every year, it attracts artists, musicians, and bohemians, as well as an onslaught of tech entrepreneurs. This year, however, the nine-day affair is facing unusually low demand. For the first time since 2011, its $575 tickets weren’t sold out before the event’s kick-off on Monday (Aug. 25). Slower ticket sales could be linked back to unfavorable weather conditions at last year’s Burning Man, where rain and subsequent mud left so-called “Burners” stranded at the festival site for days. But its losses are also reportedly attributed to a decreased number of Silicon Valley participants, whose lack of attendance comes amid financial struggles and mass layoffs in the tech industry.

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