California is the second most fun state in the US, WalletHub says. What’s No. 1?

California may have sun, surf and celebrities, but it’s not the top state in the nation for fun, according to WalletHub.

According to the personal finance website, that title belongs to Florida.

WalletHub recently released its list of the Most Fun States to Visit in America in 2024, ranking all 50 states in the United States based on factors such as the number of restaurants, amusement parks and movie theaters per capita.

“There are certain states where fun is not just an option but also a way of life,” the site said. “These states offer such a variety of activities that everyone will be able to find something that excites them, from people who crave the outdoors and athletics to those who would rather sit down for a film.”

Florida was the No. 1 spot for having “a jolly good time that won’t break the bank,” WalletHub said, thanks to its high number of amusement parks, music festivals and miles of scoreline.

The Sunshine State earned an overall score of 65.51 out of 100.

California came in second place with a total score of 65.14, and Nevada was third with a score of 59.12,

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