Students improve in math and English statewide according to latest report

Nevada students are showing an improvement in both math and English after the latest results from the statewide assessments.

One of the biggest improvements revealed in that report is a new proficiency in mathematics.

It’s up 1.3% statewide.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert calls it a step in the right direction.

I caught up with a teacher and a parent to get their reaction about the report and the improvement.

“He just started sixth grade,” said Ati Grinspun, talking about her son Liam. “He was in a blue ribbon school. He did amazing.”

She’s happy to know the Clark County School District is improving, according to a new state education report card.

“Obviously the teachers are doing something, so it is exciting to know that Nevada in general, we are getting a better education,” she said.

Monday, the Nevada Department of Education released its annual report card.

According to the report, students showed gains in math and English Language Arts.

Up 1.3% to 32.6% of students now demonstrating proficiency in mathematics, and English is up slightly, 0.3% to 41.3%.

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