NJ DOE Updates 2024 Every Student Succeeds Plan

NJ Department of Education Seeks Public Comment on 2024 ESSA State Plan Draft

NEW JERSEY – The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is inviting public comment on the 2024 Draft of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan. Building on the initial plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education (USED) in 2017 and last updated in 2023, the proposed updates introduce several changes aimed at better-capturing student progress and enhancing school accountability.

Key updates to the ESSA State Plan include:

  • Six-Year Graduation Rate: In response to stakeholder feedback, a six-year graduation rate will be added to the existing four- and five-year rates, providing a more comprehensive measure of student progress.
  • Revised Goals and Targets: The updated plan proposes flexible, six-year goals for identifying schools needing support, replacing the previous rigid 14-year goal structure. A new reporting category will track school progress toward goals rather than a simple pass-fail metric.
  • Enhanced Accountability Metrics: The NJDOE is exploring additional changes to provide a more nuanced view of school performance, such as detailed proficiency reporting and a new student success metric measuring high school persistence rates. These changes will require USED approval and further stakeholder collaboration.

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