NJ state senator, teen share childhood cancer challenges with nation

New Jersey State Sen. Anthony Bucco’s life journey has carried him past childhood cancer to the Statehouse, and now to the White House.

Having survived thyroid cancer diagnosed at age 8 – and still coping with the serious after-effects of early-generation radiation treatments – Bucco, 62, has studiously avoided playing the cancer sympathy card to win elections, first to the Assembly, and then to the Senate.

But after learning that most states – including New Jersey – committed little in the way of money to fund childhood cancer research, he decided to use his podium so a future generation “of kids and families don’t have to go through what I went through.”

In recent years, he’s engaged with several government and nonprofit groups focused on childhood cancer research, leading to an invitation to speak at a “Biden Cancer Moonshot” roundtable event on Sept. 20 at the White House.

Bucco, who serves as the Senate Republican Minority leader, did not hesitate to cross party lines to address a topic he knows all too well.

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