2 Capital Region restaurants added to NYS Historic Business Preservation Registry

TROY, N.Y. ( NEWS10 ) — Two more restaurants in the Capital Region are now on the New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry. Gus’s Hot Dogs in Watervliet and Verdile’s Restaurant in Troy were recently added.

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New York State’s Historic Business Preservation Registry honors businesses that have been in operation for at least 50 years and have contributed to their community’s history. Nominations for the registry are accepted on a rolling basis and must be sponsored by an elected state official.

Gus’s Hot Dogs was established in 1954 by Gus Haita and is currently owned by his son Steve. The eatery is best known for its mini hot dogs. Gus’s is located at 212 25th Street in Watervliet.

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Verdile’s Restaurant was opened in 1943 by Italian immigrants Raphael and Frances Verdile. The restaurant moved to its current location in 1951 and expanded in 1961 to include its dining room. It is currently owned and operated by the third Verdile generation. The Italian restaurant is located at 572 Second Avenue in Troy.

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