New York Governor Kathy Hochul Signs New Law That Expands The Legal Definition of Rape

New York Expands Legal Definition of Rape: How It Urgently Concerns You

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In an unprecedented move, Governor Kathy Hochul has signed a new law that broadens the legal definition of rape in the state of New York. This change in the law is not just a significant stride for survivors of sexual assault, but it also urgently concerns every citizen who believes in justice and equality.

The newly signed law expands the legal definition of rape to include other forms of nonconsensual sexual contact. Previously, the law narrowly defined rape as nonconsensual sexual intercourse. This limited definition often left survivors of other forms of sexual assault without the legal recourse they deserved.

This monumental change was brought about by the relentless efforts of various organizations and individuals. Among them is the Women’s Justice NOW, a New York-based nonprofit organization that has been advocating for the rights of women and girls for decades. Their tireless work in raising awareness about the inadequacies of the previous law played a crucial role in this reform.

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