As winter carries on and spring is almost on the horizon, the earth is about to start showing its all-natural solutions to treat a variety of illnesses. Pain management is at the top of most people’s lists for natural relief, as most pain medication can come with a heavy side effect load. Fortunately, nature has given us a plethora of herbal medicines that have been used for ages to reduce inflammation and discomfort. The Amish in particular have their own amazing and amazingly simple recipe that we “worldly people” lovingly call Amish Ibuprophen.
This Amish traditional medicine, which emphasizes the use of natural holistic plant-based healing for sustaining health and well-being, is the source of this elixir. The Amish are, of course, known for leading a modest and rural lifestyle that places a great emphasis on natural connection, self-sufficiency, and very little to no reliance on contemporary technology.
The best part? Three ingredients. That’s it. There are three natural, powerful ingredients in this Amish Ibuprohen. Dandilion, rosemary, and apple cider vinegar. Let’s find out why it’s so potent: